What mythical one-eyed giant did Odysseus and his men successfully defeat during the Odyssey?

It is my belief that most of us have heard, read, or seen some version of what is known as, “The Hero’s Journey.” If you have seen Star Wars or read The Hobbit you already have a basic understanding of what the hero’s journey entails: ordinary beginnings with a call to adventure, crossing a point of no return, finding allies, fighting a life-or-death ordeal, saving the day, and returning to tell the tale. More or less.

(Martin Johnson Heade)

Most of us—like the future heroes in stories—would say we find ourselves in rather ordinary circumstances with the basics—a job, a place to live, our families—the things that make everyday things possible. But for many across the United States basics aren’t basic, they’re essential.

Helping provide some of those essentials is the mission of the National Diaper Bank Network. Fully one-third of families in the U.S. cannot afford enough diapers to keep their babies clean, dry, and happy. Diaper need affects not just the baby with increased risk of illness, but affects parents with lost work or school days for doctor visits, and the inability to leave children in daycare for lack of enough diapers.

Join me, Prof. Rinkart Nighthawk, and begin your diaper hero’s journey by supporting this important work to help more babies be clean and dry by donating, hosting a diaper drive, volunteering, or simply increasing awareness using #DiaperNeed or @DiaperNetwork. As part of your hero’s journey, you can find your local diaper bank here.

Simply put: the world needs more happy babies! Be a mythic diaper hero!

—Prof. Rinkart Nighthawk

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Hello, I’m Professor Rinkart Nighthawk

Welcome to the magnificent and fascinating world of Mythological Poopology! I have written and illustrated two books, thus far, in an attempt to document this important subject. As the world’s leading mythological poopologist, I take my work quite seriously. As should you.

Please join me as we discover the exciting—and sometimes malodorous—facts about mythological creatures and their pooping habits!

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